Whether you now require accessibility upgrades to your home or if you need your business to become ADA compliant, Watkins Architect is the firm for you.
For residential, we understand how these changes need to be made while still keeping the integrity of your home. Whether you need accessibility upgrades made to the exterior of your home or throughout the inside of your home, we can guide you through these improvements and assist with the planning and preparation. Maybe you need us to replace exterior stairs with a ramp or installing stair lifts. Or the interior doorways and halls need modified to account for your mobility aids. In cases where you may require a wheelchair, you likely need a new storage system which puts most items within reach. The list goes on, because we have worked with many clients in updating their home and we would be happy to assist you.
For businesses, we understand the laws and regulations when it comes to making your location ADA compliant. Many old businesses are not ADA compliant and find that over time, they need to take the steps to update their building to follow the ADA compliance rules. In many places, businesses may face legal penalties if they do not take enough ADA compliant measures. Whether you’re a brand new business or a business who has been in existence for years and wants to update, we can assist you with the necessary accessibility upgrades.
Contact us today to discuss your residential or commercial project further.