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Repetition or Cutting Edge, What Works for Your Corporate Branding?

In this day and age everyone is trying to out-do their competition with appearance. While that may be great, you first need to think about your corporate branding before having your next project designed.

For big-name companies, such as restaurants, car dealerships, and retail stores, their corporate branding is already in place. They include logo, layout of location and even product displays. For architects, knowing what the branding of your company is, is important in the designing process. Many big-name companies stick to repetition as far as appearance. This helps customers know just by looking at the building or seeing a logo, such as the big arch for McDonald’s, where they are located.

If you are just starting out with determining what your corporate branding is, you have a vast number of ideas to choose from. If you intend to have multiple locations, it is suggested to have repetition, but incorporating a cutting-edge appearance that is unique to you is a great idea too.

Take Knoll for example. We have designed various showrooms and sales offices for Knoll all over the United States and Canada. While each location has its own specific feel, they all have the same color orange incorporated throughout. Haven’t heard of Knoll? Knoll sells furniture, textiles and accessories with a modern take on them. Because of what they sell, all of their locations have a modern feel and feature their own furniture!

  • Copyright 2008 - Jeff Herron Photography, Inc.

Do you need help in determining how to incorporate your corporate branding within your building? Or maybe you are looking for new cutting-edge ideas to incorporate? Whatever it is you’re looking for, here at Watkins Architect we can help design the commercial building of your choice. Contact us today to set up a consultation to start the discussion.

Watkins Architect is a local architectural firm that can handle everything from designing your project to managing it. Watkins Architect handles all types of architecture projects from residential, commercial and industrial to religion, townships and educational. Browse through our portfolio to find out what architecture projects we have completed.

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